What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
Google Groups
Streamlining communication.A really easy way to go in and see all emails sent & received within that group, without all the others interspersed. Labels can be added to the emails, e.g. "agenda", making it easier to navigate looking for the right message.
For a parent group, there's no need to BCC like you do in contacts, as all addresses are automatically hidden. Parents would receive the email in the usual way. There's no confusing system for them to navigate, however, if they wanted to they could navigate into groups to see what has been sent through the group.
Underestimating Docs
For so long, we have sent the message to kids of not defaulting to a Doc. To use a Google Drawing or Slide or something more creative. It's been easy to forget that Docs can be a little more creative than just typing up minutes for meetings.
- Cleaning up User Profiles in Chrome.
- Tweaking the bookmarks bar to make it more streamlined and user-friendly.
- Tips and tricks for getting the most out of your omnibox.
- Jumping between tabs quickly.
- Organising your drive and the way things are filed.
- Sharing Folders and Documents in a more effective way, particularly when there is shared ownership.
Chrome Extensions
I've added a number of new useful add-ons and chrome extensions to use within the classroom.
- Doc to Form
- Word cloud generator
- Draftback
- eZnotifications
- ChangeCase
- Easy Accents
- Docu Tube
- so many more...
What did I learn that could be used with my learners?
Voice typing
I've been a passionate advocate for defaulting to voice typing for a while now, due to its ability to take out the barriers that handwriting or typing might bring. Voice typing has also shown to be improving speaking and oral language. Getting kids to read out loud, then compare the voice typed page to the page that they have read from, and asking "Why do you think it is different?". With some children, it is improving the clarity of their speech as well as their annunciation.
Insert Lifehack... Throw away Coffee cups, with the bottom removed!!! These can be used for the Äkonga to speak through (aiming at their device) to minimise the impact of noise for the other learners within the learning space.
Insert Lifehack... Throw away Coffee cups, with the bottom removed!!! These can be used for the Äkonga to speak through (aiming at their device) to minimise the impact of noise for the other learners within the learning space.
Writing prompts
We all love quick writes! The ability to create an opportunity to generate writing mileage as well as get kids excited about writing just by writing... well here's a new tool to use! The Most Dangerous writing prompt generator On the site, you have the option to "Free Write" . or be given a writing prompt. You then just start typing. It requires you to keep typing or the timing bar first changes colour, and then your print disappears, with the banned "You Failed" appearing on the screen. It challenges you to write continuously for 5 minutes. If you "fail", then there is the option of downloading what you've already done, so that it's not entirely lost forever. Obviously, for some kids it just won't work... but for those that may thrive on the challenge of being able to continuously write then it could be a great option.remove.bg
A quick new tool to remove background for an image = remove.bg in the omnibar.
I could see this being great for kids to place an image of themselves in another place when writing about it.
What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?
The Underline is dead!
If you're using underlining, you're showing your age! If there is a line under it, there's an assumption (particularly for our learners) that there is a link to click. They will click and complain that it doesn't work, rather than reading through. It is a policy of assent for their way of being.So many quick keys and streamlined ways of doing things!