Manaiakalani & Outreach Principals Wananga 2018
1 Whiringa a Rangi Panmure Yacht & Boating Club
Lee-Anne Waho
The people who shared their Innovative Teacher work were all amazing and I found the mahi they have been doing to be quite jaw dropping and impressive. There are many things for me to explore further and different areas I want to look into more closely.
These are notes written for me rather than an audience but there will be a taste of some of the great work Manaiakalani are doing.
Russell Burt-We are here as whānau to support our tamariki being focused on rangatiratanga. Equity, Equality and Liberation.
Pat Sneddon-Spoke about us all supporting each other and encouraging others to
Aaron Wilson- When we are looking at data we focus in on details but also need to view from afar to get a look at the big picture. When looking at data closely, we don't always see the broader patterns. Learners must always be at the centre of these inquiries.
Aims: is to work together to build capability, maximise the group size,
Today was a zoom out and our job is to take the big patterns and zoom back in at cluster level, school level and class level.
Graphs and data was shared and explained. Link to copy of slide shared.
Teacher Questionnaire Feedback~Looking at two questionnaire that have been done. Looking at relationships between learner and teacher questionnaire. Common theme is around whanau connection is not as evident as it could be.
Implementation Leaders Questionnaire~66 leaders from 45 schools.
Roving was quite high on the graph. Discussion around why teachers rove, the purpose of this and how we might give this a nudge. Critical thinking scored quite low. Not much commenting on blogs was observed however this is likely to be because teachers knew they were being observed. Very little collaboration was seen. Incidental conversations happened rather than deliberate opportunities. What does collaboration look like compared to co operation.Using student writing as a model was seen. Would be good to see more wider world, global texts for students to explore rather than just texts designed for students.
Four types of feedback looked at during observations: Evaluative Descriptive Generative Online
Manaiakalani Innovative Teacher Presentations #1
Clarelle Carruthers Pt England Language Acquisition in Mathematics
Heather Matthews Hornby Primary School Unpacking a Key Competency
A book collaborated and created by heather and the tamariki in her bilingual class. Children are able to reflect on this competency as they shared a journey in creating to learn.
Hinerau Anderson Tamaki College Visible Teaching and Learning Site
Development of Visible Teaching and Learning site to use rewindable learning tools for students at Tamaki College.
Caroline from Noel Leeming~
Introduced to a portal designed to make procurement of devices for schools easier. Pathway A and B as far as financing goes.
Zac Moran Pt England School~Engaging Boys in Writing Movie Making
Link to Zac's Class OnAir site This is impressive. I have had a quick look at these Class OnAir sites previously but got a bit lost. I am really impressed with the mahi Zac is doing here. This makes me see how basic our learning site and our planning is.
Kariene Gardiner Ohaeawai School Recognising What Makes Effective Acceleration of Priority Learners in Writing
I like the Enhancing Writing Framework that identifies where teachers are at in rubric format. It covers pedagogy, constant innovation etc. I like this a lot.
Jacob Wesley Intermediate AsTTle Student Website
This is a bit mind blowing and very impressive. Is in prototype stage but what an amazing resource. Not only is this an amazing learning tool for students, it is also amazing for students.
Dorothy Burt
I wish I had started taking notes at the start of Dorothy's presentation. I just had an inspiring moment as she spoke about creativity. With the help of teachers across the country, circle wedge visuals have been created and developed. She spoke about teaching strategies for way back still being valued.
Danni Stone Pt England Unlocking Literacy
Rebecca Spies Park Estate School Using Argumentation Boards to Enhance Critical Thinking and Accelerate Achievement in Literacy
A resource bank around argumentation. (First time I have even heard of this).
The better you are at connecting with whanau, the more learning and progress takes place.
What do you want whanau to noticed and is it visible? How are you connecting with whanau?
How do children take their learning and use it in their future? You have not learned to read if you can't read unfamiliar texts. Mileage, mileage.
How does the learning design in our tasks, provoke empowerment.
Given that we have said this a number of times, challenges work for some teachers, for some the change has not happened, so what is it that we can do better to support and challenge teachers? How do we work so all are clear about what is involved in the challenges put down?
Cluster Convo
Future Focus: Three things we will do.
- Whanau engagement-Look at ways to increase it, blogs etc (50 parents from our cluster participated in parent questionnaire?.
- Feedback, Critical Literacy, Extended Learning Conversations-
- Observations-Lead teachers to do observations looking at different types of feedback etc.
Manaiakalani and Outreach Programme Slide (This is a goodie).
- One of the areas Woolf Fischer aim to increase is blog commenting.
- When asked about how Learn, Create, Share helps keep learning interesting, enthusiasm in Year 3 is quite high then sees a significant drop as kids head towards Year 13.
- Cultural Connections with Learn, Create, Share. Across the clusters, Maori and Pasifika students within Manaiakalani are happy, confident and see their cultures valued. There is a slight mismatch between teacher and student perception.
- From this data is shows that across clusters we are posting on blogs more than commenting.
- Throughout the teacher questionnaire, teachers often selected 3 as a score rather than being definite in their decision. A scale to four rather than five could make teachers chose rather than selling selves short and going for the middle of the road.
- Cybersmart programme needs to be embedded. You would not send children out into the online world without having them educated in ways that keep them safe.
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